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MessagePublié: Octobre 25th, 2017, 10:48 am
par Nina
Rutgers Professor Calls Judaism ‘Most Racist Religion,’ Blames Jews for Armenian Genocide, in Flurry of Antisemitic, Homophobic and Sexist Posts


Image (Rutgers University professor Michael Chikindas. Photo: Michael Chikindas / Facebook)

A Rutgers University professor has published multiple social media posts containing antisemitic canards and caricatures, including blaming the Armenian genocide on Jews, describing Judaism as “the most racist religion in the world,” and calling Israel a “terrorist country.”

As first reported by the Israellycool blog, Michael Chikindas — a microbiology professor at Rutgers’ department of food science and director of the school’s Center for Digestive Health — promoted dozens of anti-Jewish conspiracies and comments on his Facebook page this past May, among them references to “international fat Jewish pockets,” and descriptions of “orthodox Judaism” and Zionism as “the best of two forms of racism.”

In one post, Chikindas claimed, “Israel is the terrorist country aimed at genocidal extermination of the land’s native population, Palestinians,” and added: “we must not forget that the Armenian Genocide was orchestrated by the Turkish Jews who pretended to be the Turks.”

He argued that Israel was failing in this attempted “extermination” mainly “because of the number of the Jews of ‘alternative’ sexual orientation (25% of the Tel Aviv inhabitants are gay/lesbians and Israel has more of these than the Netherlands).”

In an earlier post, Chikindas wrote “that Israel, the country of the Jews and for the Jews, has one of the highest percentage of gays in the world.” (Israel le pays des juifs pour les juifs a le plus haut pourcentage d'homosexuels au monde)

The professor also called Judaism “the most racist religion in the world” and shared an interview with Christopher Bollyn, a conspiracy theorist who has claimed American Jews and Israel orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. ("le 11 Septembre 2001 : un coup des juifs puisqu'ils ont la religion la plus raciste au monde !")

Chikindas’ Facebook timeline is filled with images depicting classic antisemitic libels, including a graphic suggesting Jews — portrayed by the Happy Merchant, a caricature of a hook-nosed Jewish male with a kippah — control the Federal Reserve, Hollywood, the “cancer industry,” “pornography,” “wars for Israel,” and “sex-trafficking,” among other things.

Another image featured the Jewish caricature — representing Israel — being carried by American soldiers and saying, “I am God’s chosen people, you filthy goyim.” A third cartoon showed a Jewish man with a large, hooked nose and a yellow “Jude” star on his suit jacket stealing money from a hungry American boy, and exclaiming, “be a patriot, goy! Somebody’s got to pay 10 billion to Israel.”

Other images depicted an Israeli flag overlaying the White House; accused Zionists of playing “the Anti-Semitism Card”; quoted former Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters leveling charges of “apartheid” against Israel; and expressed support for the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign.

Chikindas also published multiple posts referring to women — including Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, Israeli Culture Minister Miri Regev, First Lady Melania Trump, and President Donald Trump’s eldest daughter Ivanka Trump — as “b**ches” and in some cases “sl*ts.”

After sharing an article claiming to expose the “global elite,” he wrote, “These jewish motherf*****s do not control me. They can go and f**k each other in their fat a***s — you see, I really do not have anything to loose (sic), hence nothing to be controlled.”

In an interview with The Algemeiner on Tuesday, Chikindas rejected accusations of antisemitism, indicating that he was once married to and had a child with a Jewish woman, and had some 25 percent Ashkenazi Jewish lineage himself.

When read comments he made about Judaism, Chikindas pointed to the Talmud — a text containing Jewish law and tradition — which he claimed features racist and supremacist passages, as well as to “extremely degrading racist messages” he said he received on YouTube from accounts with Hebrew-language handles.

Image(sur la page Facebook du professeur Chikindas)

These messages — written in Russian, sent from “Jews who were originally from Russia,” and containing vulgar, personal insults, according to Chikindas — were provided as further evidence of the religion’s supposed racism.

Chikindas also said that he was open to having a “civilized” discussion on these issues, and claimed that his postings did not violate any of Facebook’s policies.

Neal Buccino, a spokesperson for Rutgers, told The Algemeiner that “Professor Michael Chikindas’ comments and posts on social media are antithetical to our university’s principles and values of respect for people of all backgrounds, including, among other groups, our large and vibrant Jewish community. Such comments do not represent the position of the University.”

He added that while Rutgers respects the free speech rights of its faculty members, it also seeks to “foster an environment free from discrimination, as articulated in our policy prohibiting discrimination.”

“The university is reviewing this matter to determine if actions taken in the context of his role as a faculty member at Rutgers may have violated that policy,” Buccino added.

Image( Chikindas insiste lourdement avec ses images antisémites qu'on croyait d'un autre âge).

This is not the first time that a professor at Rutgers — New Jersey’s largest publicly-funded research university — was caught making comments that were criticized for being antisemitic.

Jasbir Puar, an associate professor of women’s and gender studies at Rutgers, has come under fire for comments she made at a 2016 faculty-sponsored event at Vassar College, where she repeated allegations that the bodies of “young Palestinian men … were mined for organs for scientific research,” according to a transcript of the talk provided by the Vassar alumni group Fairness To Israel.

She asserted at the time that Israel’s actions could be called a “genocide in slow motion,” and said, “We need [the boycotts, divestment and sanctions movement] as part of organized resistance and armed resistance in Palestine as well.”

In a 2015 essay, Puar also wrote that “Palestinian trauma is overshadowed” because “Israel in particular and Jewish populations in general have thoroughly hijacked the discourse of trauma through exceptionalizing Holocaust victimization.”

Mark G. Yudof, former president of the University of California and current chairman of the Academic Engagement Network (AEN), and Kenneth Waltzer, executive director of AEN, wrote in response to Puar’s 2016 comments, “Wild charges against Israel have often been aired on U.S. campuses over the past several years, and their moral perversity pointed out. But Ms. Puar’s calumnies reached a new low.”

“Characterizing Israel and Zionism in ways that anti-Semites formerly characterized Jews has become a stock in trade among anti-Israeli activists on college campuses,” they added.

Puar is set to publish a new book through Duke University Press next month, which argues that Israel seeks to injure and maintain “Palestinian populations as perpetually debilitated, and yet alive, in order to control them.”

The article has been updated to reflect comments by Neal Buccino, a spokesperson for Rutgers University.

RUTGERS UNIVERSITY est une Université très cotée du New Jersey.

Lorsqu'un prof ose les pires poncifs antisémites sans être sanctionné qu'attendre des Etats-Unis ? Un réveil ? Cela fait trop longtemps que ça dure.

Les arabes des pays du Golfe ont mis des décennies à arroser les Universités, les médias et à envoyer en masse des étudiants pour faire du palestinisme une façon de s'implanter en Amérique.

Leur seule motivation était non pas de lutter pour les "palestiniens" mais d'en faire un prétexte pour ELIMINER LES JUIFS AMERICAINS. Toujours la théorie de la substitution inhérente à l'islam.

Ils ont arrosé tant de monde que nous pouvons aujourd'hui chiffrer en dizaines voire centaines de MILLIARDS DE DOLLARS pour devenir "Les juifs d'Amérique" alors qu'ils sont arabes.

Combien de tentatives pour racheter la moindre parcelle des studios d'Hollywood ? Combien de grosses entreprises américaines ont joui des millions de pétro-dollars ?

Désormais, sûrs d'eux pour avoir acheter tout le monde et surtout les média via la "cause" les voilà en train de faire virer tous les juifs des Universités prestigieuses d'abord puis secondaires aussi. Cornell vient d'être attaquée aux tags antisémites hier !

Le temps et l'argent ont fait leur œuvre quasi-parfaitement puisque MEME LES JUIFS DEMOCRATES NE SE SOULEVENT PAS DEVANT UNE HEMORRAGIE ANTISEMITE QU'ON CROYAIT ENDIGUEE DEPUIS 1950 ! En 1949 on pouvait encore lire des panneaux sur les plages "Interdit aux chiens et aux juifs !'". Tout de même...Il ne faut pas croire que tout était judaïquement rose.

Le problème sans doute le plus sérieux c'est le silence terrible qui règne sur ces actes QUOTIDIENS. Que restera-t-il à faire aux juifs aux USA ?

Vont-ils être obligés de se déjudaïser encore plus ? Changer de patronymes ?

Ils sont devenus pleutres et pire que tout : AVEUGLES ET SOURDS devant ces actes abominables.

En se taisant, ils participent à la plus formidable mise en déroute d'une minorité religieuse devenant le bouc émissaire de tous les pourris américains qu'ils soient pro-arabes et suprématistes.

Ces juifs qui se disent de gauche et AMERICAINS AVANT TOUT, sont en train de préparer les armes réelles de groupes radicalisés.

Hier c'était Orlando contre les homosexuels par un barbu américain. Demain ce sera quoi ? Une école juive à Brooklyn ?

Nous assistons à la mort de l'Amérique et pas un juif d'Hollywood ou des médias ne montent au créneau. Ce ne sont que de lapidaires récits que nous devons rechercher chaque jour pour connaître ces faits récurrents depuis des années.

L'ALERTE EST GRAVE ! Tout ce qui se passe aux USA arrive immédiatement en Europe sauf que cette fois-ci c'est l'Europe et la France en tête qui aura donné le top départ de la plus grande industrie antisémite depuis la seconde guerre mondiale.

La France est EN TÊTE concernant les chiffres d'actes antisémites avec violence dans toute l'Europe !

Nous pouvons virer la Scandinavie : les juifs se sont tirés et les quelques rescapés se font petits...tout petits...

Pas besoin d'Hitler : L'ISLAM EST SON FILS !